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Behind the Scenes: Project Library Refresh!

Writer's picture: River Valley Student Editorial ClubRiver Valley Student Editorial Club

Have you noticed that our school library looks slightly different? Well, recently, our library underwent renovations and now has a brand new look! We sat down with Mr Kelvin Sim, one of the brains behind revamping the RVHS school library, to find out more!

First, we discussed the reason behind taking on the project. Mr Sim, who was already in charge of the library before COVID-19, mentioned that as times have changed, the library needs to evolve with it to remain useful and relevant to students. 

As the one in charge of the library for the past few years, Mr Sim could see that the library has served its function well — a space for students to rest, relax, and self-study. However, peoples’ views of the roles of the library, and of reading continue to change, calling for necessary alterations to the library.

The library looks a little different…

Other considerations went into the renovation too! Inspiration came from visits to various libraries — Choa Chu Kang Public Library, Nan Hua High School and Fu Hua Secondary School, and even Eunoia JC. Additionally, the team consulted with Dr Loh Chin Ee. She is the Associate Professor and Deputy Head (Research) in the English Language and Literature Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore. 

Dr Loh has spent years researching on how libraries can be redesigned to be a space for learning and building knowledge, and is currently Principal Investigator of the Library of the Future study.  

Apart from an expert’s opinion, our students’ opinions — their needs and wants — were also considered via a town hall meeting with Secondary and JC English and Chinese Language subject representatives. They helped to brainstorm what they wanted to see in the library and use it for, helping to shape what the library was to look like.

A brand-new front desk!

Getting this project done was no mean feat for our renovation core team! Mr Sim revealed that the start of the school year in January 2023 sparked thoughts on improving the library space. It was only till a year later (this year - 2024) that vendors were invited to initiate efforts on the project. 

By May, a design was approved and ready to be made a reality! Over the June holidays and July, the tedious renovation process took place, with meticulous adjustments well under way to make the library perfect for us. A second round of renovations was only just completed too!

Concurrent with these renovations, our book collection has also received a few upgrades, leaving avid readers with much to choose from! But what exactly was changed in our library? 

Mr Sim told us that the additions were made to establish zones to help students achieve their goals, rather than just as a place to relax or self-study. 

Firstly, the new amphitheatre was created for students to perform or present - which the library previously did not have a space for. Furthermore, the amphitheatre is also now a possible location for lessons to be conducted, taking “learning outside the classroom” to another level.  

The amphitheater, in the midst of construction. 

Moving on, the collaboration zone was designed to facilitate group work and discussion, which was also the reason behind one of the biggest additions to the library: diner style study booths! 

On top of that, a chill-out zone including recliners with comfortable cushions, and light reads such as mangas and comics were also added to allow students to explore their interests and deepen their love for reading and subjects in general. 

Finally, we have the study zone which is a digital zone where students can plug in and charge their personal learning devices (PLDs) right at their seats and work on their tasks, prepare for lessons, as well as engage in self-directed learning using them. 

These new additions are not just pure infrastructure but rather areas where students can carry out productive activities - made to cater to different RVians  with different needs, and not just as a space with free air conditioning and comfortable chairs.

The collaboration zone has come a long way!

So how has this revamp been a success? 

Well, Mr Sim says seeing the role this learning environment has played in enhancing RVians’ learning, well-being and other soft skills certainly played a role in the success of the revamp. Moreover, over the process of the revamp, the utilisation and suggestion of facilities by RVians has also developed their creativity, innovation and problem-solving, further driving the success of the revamp.  

To add on, Mr Sim has seen many students using the library to prepare for CCAs and competitions, both academic and non. Just as importantly, seeing students relax in the library and read for leisure is another important outcome! 

Talking numbers, there has been an uptick in loans, traffic in the library, and the use of facilities and library spaces - a success indeed!

Now that physical renovations have been completed, what can we foresee in the future of our RVHS library? Given the major change the library has just experienced, Mr Sim says: “We will never know. but what is important to know is that we cannot stay stagnant.” Wise words indeed! 

He adds that moving forward, there may be “tweaks to the programme”. In other words, the library will definitely see additions - infrastructurally or otherwise - in order to initiate new projects to inspire and educate others, even those outside of RV! 

A brand new look!

Of course, not everyones’ ideas were implemented in the end. For every survey done, there are different perspectives and opinions. Mr Sim cites the suggestion of having a cafe inside the library, and even including sleeping pods for people to rest in. 

Although these ideas come with valid reasons and have been utilised by a few schools, they were not applied to the blueprint. This is likely because a majority of our students wished for something else and these did not apply as well to the needs of the majority of our students. 

While some ideas may have been reconsidered, the range of suggestions and opinions offered by students were greatly appreciated by Mr Sim and the team. They are still open to realistic, beneficial suggestions and will continue looking out for ways to improve the library.

Recommendations can reach the library team through discussions with the library staff or student council peers, who will relay the message. 

With all this in mind, Mr Sim hopes that the new changes will encourage more people to visit the library in their free time. 

The library refresh project would not have been possible without the support and guidance of our school leaders, Mdm Lee Kar Ngoh , Ms Yeo Poh Ling, Ms Low Jia Yi, Mr Lim Seow Hong Louis, Mr Sim Chen Hon Kelvin and Mr Lam Sau Yin Alvin. 

The future promises great change for the RVHS library, so the next time you need a place to relax, read, study or hold a meeting, do visit the library! Hope to see you there!

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